Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Egyptian Corner Blog Rules.

  1. Views of members,visitors do not represent the views of the site. The Egyptian Corner Blog is not responsible for the opinions of its users.
  2. The official language of the blog is English unless at posts related to other languages but with the English translation.
  3. You may not type in all or mostly in capital letters since it's not only hard to read but also considered to be shouting and can be rude
  4. Do not post vulgar, hateful, threatening, derogatory, racist or obscene comments on this site. Any such content will be deleted.
  5. Avoid personal disputes and arguments. Personal attacks or insults directed towards other users will not be tolerated. Basically if you don't have anything nice to say then just don't say it all. If somebody posts an insulting comment do not reply to it,it will be deleted.

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