Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ana Bahebac...İ Love You

We have talked about many things here...and we will talk more too

Just we will take a small break and take our breath
We will do that with a poem
İt may not called İ love you...but to me,that is all what it say..

Shall we ? :)

Called,İn your eyes is my address by Faruk Gewede

في عينيك عنواني

وقالت: سوف تنساني

وتنسى أنني يوما
وهبتك نبض وجداني

وتعشق موجة أخرى
وتهجر دفء شطآني

وتجلس مثلما كنا
لتسمع بعض ألحاني

ولا تعنيك أحزاني
ويسقط كالمنى اسمي

وسوف يتوه عنواني
ترى..ستقول ياعمري بأنك كنت تهواني؟

فقلت:هواك ايماني ومغفرتي..وعصياني

أتيتك والمنى عندي
بقايا بين أحضاني

ربيع مات طائره
على أنقاض بستان

رياح الحزن تعصرني
وتسخر بين وجداني

أحبك واحة هدأت
عليها كل أحزاني

أحبك نسمة تروي
لصمت الناس..ألحاني

أحبك نشوة تسري
وتشعل نار بركاني

أحبك أنت يا أملا
كضوء الصبح يلقاني

أمات الحب عشاقا
وحبك أنت أحياني

ولو خيرت في وطن
لقلت هواك أوطاني

ولو أنساك يا عمري
حنايا القلب..تنساني

اذا ما ضعت في درب

ففي عينيك..عنواني

İn your eyes is my address.

And she said,you will forget me,

And forget that someday,i gave you my heart beats .

And fall in love with another wave, and abandon the warmth of my shores.

And sit as we used to sit,to hear some of my music, and you won't care my sorrow

And my name fall down like hope,and my address get lost.

İ wonder,will you say my love that you were in love with me ?!

İ said, your love is my faith,my forgiveness,and my disobedient.
İ came to you,and hopes were remains in my chest
Spring,has died its bird,in a lefted garden.
Winds of sorrow squeezing me, and make fun in my chest.
İ love you,a garden calmed all my sorrows,
İ love you,a soft wind tell to the silent people my music,
İ love you,enjoyment flow,and lighten the fire of my volcano,
İ love you,a hope,like a day light meeting me.
Love has murder lovers, And your love,makes me alive.
İf i to choose a country, İ would've said,your love is my countries.
And if i forget you my love, my heart will forget me!

İf i got lost in my way,
İn your eyes is my address !

İt was made a song and here it is by Somaya Caysar

Part 1

Part 2

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